AnimeBracket is back, what’s next for AnimeThemes & more

February 11, 2024

AnimeBracket is now back online is back online now

In our last status update, we announced that we have agreed to take over the maintenance of and since then a few things have happened.

First, after some trouble getting the website to run on our infrastructure, we managed to get up an open beta to test the site for stability. With the beta set up, we then proceeded to host a test bracket with our community. We decided a fitting theme for the bracket would be a contest for the best OP/ED of 2023. The test bracket helped us discover some issues. All of these issues should be fixed by now.

At this point we want to thank everyone who took part in the test, it helped a lot! Oh, and if you are interested in who has won our contest, you can check out the full results for the test bracket here.

Today, we are proud to announce that is finally back online. We soft-launched earlier this week, which is why the /r/anime Seasonal Best Girl Contest is running on the site already. Be sure to check it out here.

What’s next for AnimeThemes

Now that we have finally launched AnimeBracket, we can move our focus back on development for AnimeThemes. Last time we made the playlists beta open for everyone. Since then it has been running stable without any reported issues.

Due to the stable beta and to return to shorter release cycles, getting the playlist update out will become our priority for the next weeks. This is a big step for us since this update has been in the works for several years now. Our staff situation has changed from when we began development, so not everyone who initially worked on it is still around. So please bear with us, if the transition of our production system will be a bit shaky.

Because of how extensive this update is, it will probably result in a short downtime of the site. We will let you know when it’s time for that.

Backup torrent updated for Fall 2023

With the new year also came a new season of anime, which means we updated our quarterly backup torrent.

There are two versions of the backup torrent: One for all video files (in WebM format) and one for all audio files (in Ogg format). The current torrents, - OP/ED Collection Audio/Video Backup [2024.01.01], can be found here:



The next torrent update will be 2024-04-01.

Transparency Update

As in our previous status update, we want to give an update on our transparency efforts. Here are the transactions since October:

October 2023$140.27Patreon income
$-82.86Monthly costs for our hosting provider
November 2023$142.79Patreon income
$-82.86Monthly costs for our hosting provider
December 2023$125.60Patreon income
$-82.86Monthly costs for our hosting provider
January 2024$133.03Patreon income
$-82.86Monthly costs for our hosting provider

As you can see, our monthly costs are consistent while our income varies a bit from month to month. Because of the net positive at the end of the month, we should have no problems operating at the moment.

Thank You

Last but not least we want to give a huge thank you to everyone supporting the AnimeThemes project. Special shout out to everyone subscribed to our Patreon, without you we wouldn’t be able to keep this project alive.

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