Submission Verification

November 26, 2022

Table of Contents


AnimeThemes accepts WebMs from volunteer encoders that need to be verified by staff for inclusion. Here we will document the steps to process submissions for verification and inclusion in our repository.

Identifying Submissions

First, we need to know where to review submissions.

For encoders with access to the AnimeThemes Encoding trello board, a card may have been created to represent the unit of work for the WebMs being submitted. Cards in the Encoding list are in the process of being encoded. Cards in the Ready for Review list are in need of verification by AnimeThemes staff.

For those without access to trello or those that prefer to use Reddit, AnimeThemes accepts submissions through the /r/AnimeThemes subreddit. Posts containing WebMs that are not flaired as "Added to wiki" are in need of verification. The Mee6 bot in the #submissions channel of the discord will alert staff of new subreddit posts that may need verification from staff.

For those without access to trello or those that prefer to use Discord, AnimeThemes accepts submissions through the #submissions or #encoding_general AnimeThemes Discord channels.


Next, we need to determine if submission is in compliance with rules and guidelines.

Verification steps can be found here.

Approval or failure is at the discretion of AnimeThemes staff. If you are unsure of the acceptability of the WebM, please raise the issue with other staff members.


If the WebM fails verification, the encoder should be notified with a list of defects that need to be addressed for approval.

If the submission is made through Trello, please leave a comment with the reasons for failure and move the card back to the Encoding list.

If the submission is made through Reddit, please leave a comment with the reasons for failure.

If the submission is made through Discord, please reply to the encoder with the reasons for failure.


If the WebM passes verification, the verifier should add the WebM to the repository and perform requisite data entry.

If the submission is made through Trello, move the card to the Done list.

If the submission is made through Reddit, flair the post "Added to wiki".

If the submission is made through discord, please reply to the encoder with a confirmation message.

Data Entry

Here will detail the steps for requisite data entry for different scenarios.

Adding WebMs for a new anime


Adding WebMs for a new theme


Adding WebMs for a new entry


Adding WebMs for a replacement


Stale Work

Periodically we should review cards for staleness. We want lists to represent work in progress or work in flight. We will relegate all other work to the Backlog list for pickup should an encoder have capacity or the desire to work on those tasks.

If a card that does not represent seasonal encoding has remained in the Ready for Encoding list for more than a week, the card should be moved to the bottom of the backlog list.

If an encoder has not advanced a card in the Source Review or Encoding lists for more than a week, we should leave a comment to check on the state of the work. If the encoder is not actively working on the card, the card should be marked unassigned and moved to the Backlog list.

Cards in the Done list will be archived by staff after velocity has been calculated every Monday.

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